Source code for nolds.examples

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,
                        print_function, unicode_literals)
from builtins import *
from . import measures as nolds
from . import datasets
import numpy as np

# TODO better legends for plots

[docs]def weron_2002_figure2(n = 10000): """ Recreates figure 2 of [w]_ comparing the reported values by Weron to the values obtained by the functions in this package. The experiment consists of n iterations where the hurst exponent of randomly generated gaussian noise is calculated. This is done with differing sequence lengths of 256, 512, 1024, ...., 65536. The average estimated hurst exponent over all iterations is plotted for the following configurations: * ``weron`` is the Anis-Lloyd-corrected Hurst exponent calculated by Weron * ``rs50`` is the Anis-Lloyd-corrected Hurst exponent calculated by Nolds with the same parameters as used by Weron * ``weron_raw`` is the uncorrected Hurst exponent calculated by Weron * ``rs50_raw`` is the uncorrected Hurst exponent calculated by Nolds with the same parameters as used by Weron * ``rsn`` is the Anis-Lloyd-corrected Hurst exponent calculated by Nolds with the default settings of Nolds The values reported by Weron are only measured from the plot in the PDF version of the paper and can therefore have some small inaccuracies. This function requires the package ``matplotlib``. References: .. [w] R. Weron, “Estimating long-range dependence: finite sample properties and confidence intervals,” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol. 312, no. 1, pp. 285–299, 2002. Kwargs: n (int): number of iterations of the experiment (Weron used 10000, but this takes a while) """ # local import to avoid dependency for non-debug use import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # note: these values are calculated by measurements in inkscape of the plot # from the paper reported = [6.708, 13.103, 20.240, 21.924, 22.256, 24.112, 24.054, 26.299, 26.897] reported_raw = [160.599, 141.663, 128.454, 115.617, 103.651, 95.481, 86.810, 81.799, 76.270] def height_to_h(height): return 0.49 + height / 29.894 * 0.01 reported = height_to_h(np.array(reported)) reported_raw = height_to_h(np.array(reported_raw)) data = [] for e in range(8,17): l = 2**e nvals = 2**np.arange(6,e) rsn = np.mean([ nolds.hurst_rs(np.random.normal(size=l), fit="poly") for _ in range(n) ]) rs50 = np.mean([ nolds.hurst_rs(np.random.normal(size=l), fit="poly", nvals=nvals) for _ in range(n) ]) rs50_raw = np.mean([ nolds.hurst_rs(np.random.normal(size=l), fit="poly", nvals=nvals, corrected=False) for _ in range(n) ]) data.append((rsn, rs50, rs50_raw)) lines = plt.plot(np.arange(8,17), data) r = plt.plot(np.arange(8,17), reported) rr = plt.plot(np.arange(8,17), reported_raw) plt.legend(r + rr + lines, ("weron", "weron_raw", "rsn", "rs50", "rs50_raw")) plt.xticks(np.arange(8,17),2**np.arange(8,17)) plt.xlabel("sequence length") plt.ylabel("estimated hurst exponent")
[docs]def plot_hurst_hist(): """ Plots a histogram of values obtained for the hurst exponent of uniformly distributed white noise. This function requires the package ``matplotlib``. """ # local import to avoid dependency for non-debug use import matplotlib.pyplot as plt hs = [nolds.hurst_rs(np.random.random(size=10000), corrected=True) for _ in range(100)] plt.hist(hs, bins=20) plt.xlabel("esimated value of hurst exponent") plt.ylabel("number of experiments")
[docs]def plot_lyap(maptype="logistic"): """ Plots a bifurcation plot of the given map and superimposes the true lyapunov exponent as well as the estimates of the largest lyapunov exponent obtained by ``lyap_r`` and ``lyap_e``. The idea for this plot is taken from [ll]_. This function requires the package ``matplotlib``. References: .. [ll] Manfred Füllsack, "Lyapunov exponent", url: Kwargs: maptype (str): can be either ``"logistic"`` for the logistic map or ``"tent"`` for the tent map. """ # local import to avoid dependency for non-debug use import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x_start = 0.1 n = 140 nbifur = 40 if maptype == "logistic": param_name = "r" param_range = np.arange(2, 4, 0.01) full_data = np.array([ np.fromiter(datasets.logistic_map(x_start, n, r),dtype="float32") for r in param_range ]) # It can be proven that the lyapunov exponent of the logistic map # (or any map that is an iterative application of a function) can be # calculated as the mean of the logarithm of the absolute of the # derivative at the individual data points. # For a proof see for example: # # Derivative of logistic map: f(x) = r * x * (1 - x) = r * x - r * x² # => f'(x) = r - 2 * r * x lambdas = [ np.mean(np.log(abs(r - 2 * r * x[np.where(x != 0.5)]))) for x,r in zip(full_data, param_range) ] elif maptype == "tent": param_name = "$\mu$" param_range = np.arange(0, 2, 0.01) full_data = np.array([ np.fromiter(datasets.tent_map(x_start, n, mu),dtype="float32") for mu in param_range ]) # for the tent map the lyapunov exponent is much easier to calculate # since the values are multiplied by mu in each step, two trajectories # starting in x and x + delta will have a distance of delta * mu^n after n # steps. Therefore the lyapunov exponent should be log(mu). lambdas = np.log(param_range, where=param_range > 0) lambdas[np.where(param_range <= 0)] = np.nan else: raise Error("maptype %s not recognized" % maptype) kwargs_e = { "emb_dim": 6, "matrix_dim": 2 } kwargs_r = { "emb_dim": 6, "lag": 2, "min_tsep": 20, "trajectory_len": 20} lambdas_e = [max(nolds.lyap_e(d, **kwargs_e)) for d in full_data] lambdas_r = [nolds.lyap_r(d, **kwargs_r) for d in full_data] bifur_x = np.repeat(param_range, nbifur) bifur = np.reshape(full_data[:,-nbifur:], nbifur * param_range.shape[0]) plt.title("Lyapunov exponent of the %s map" % maptype) plt.plot(param_range, lambdas, "b-", label="true lyap. exponent") elab = "estimation using lyap_e" rlab = "estimation using lyap_r" plt.plot(param_range, lambdas_e, color="#00AAAA", label=elab) plt.plot(param_range, lambdas_r, color="#AA00AA", label=rlab) plt.plot(param_range, np.zeros(len(param_range)), "g--") plt.plot(bifur_x, bifur, "ro", alpha=0.1, label="bifurcation plot") plt.ylim((-2, 2)) plt.xlabel(param_name) plt.ylabel("lyap. exp / %s(x, %s)" % (maptype, param_name)) plt.legend(loc="best")
[docs]def profiling(): """ Runs a profiling test for the function ``lyap_e`` (mainly used for development) This function requires the package ``cProfile``. """ import cProfile n = 10000 data = np.cumsum(np.random.random(n) - 0.5) cProfile.runctx('lyap_e(data)', {'lyap_e': nolds.lyap_e}, {'data': data})
[docs]def hurst_compare_nvals(data, nvals=None): """ Creates a plot that compares the results of different choices for nvals for the function hurst_rs. Args: data (array-like of float): the input data from which the hurst exponent should be estimated Kwargs: nvals (array of int): a manually selected value for the nvals parameter that should be plotted in comparison to the default choices """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt data = np.asarray(data) n_all = np.arange(2,len(data)+1) dd_all = nolds.hurst_rs(data, nvals=n_all, debug_data=True, fit="poly") dd_def = nolds.hurst_rs(data, debug_data=True, fit="poly") n_def = np.round(np.exp(dd_def[1][0])).astype("int32") n_div = n_all[np.where(len(data) % n_all[:-1] == 0)] dd_div = nolds.hurst_rs(data, nvals=n_div, debug_data=True, fit="poly") def corr(nvals): return [np.log(nolds.expected_rs(n)) for n in nvals] l_all = plt.plot(dd_all[1][0], dd_all[1][1] - corr(n_all), "o") l_def = plt.plot(dd_def[1][0], dd_def[1][1] - corr(n_def), "o") l_div = plt.plot(dd_div[1][0], dd_div[1][1] - corr(n_div), "o") l_cst = [] t_cst = [] if nvals is not None: dd_cst = nolds.hurst_rs(data, nvals=nvals, debug_data=True, fit="poly") l_cst = plt.plot(dd_cst[1][0], dd_cst[1][1] - corr(nvals), "o") l_cst = l_cst t_cst = ["custom"] plt.xlabel("log(n)") plt.ylabel("log((R/S)_n - E[(R/S)_n])") plt.legend(l_all + l_def + l_div + l_cst, ["all", "default", "divisors"] + t_cst) labeled_data = zip([dd_all[0], dd_def[0], dd_div[0]], ["all", "def", "div"]) for data, label in labeled_data: print("%s: %.3f" % (label, data)) if nvals is not None: print("custom: %.3f" % dd_cst[0])
def sampen_default_tolerance(): data = list(datasets.logistic_map(0.34, 1000, r=3.9)) oldtol = 0.2 * np.std(data, ddof=1) old_res = [ nolds.sampen(data, emb_dim=i, tolerance=oldtol) for i in range(1, 25) ] new_res = [ nolds.sampen(data, emb_dim=i) for i in range(1, 25) ] for i, old, new in zip(range(1, 25), old_res, new_res): print("emb_dim={} old={:.3f} corrected={:.3f}".format(i, old, new)) print(" old variance: {:.3f}".format(np.var(old_res))) print("corrected variance: {:.3f}".format(np.var(new_res))) if __name__ == "__main__": # run this with the following command: # python -m nolds.examples lyapunov-logistic import sys def print_options(): print("options are:") print(" lyapunov-logistic") print(" lyapunov-tent") print(" profiling") print(" hurst-weron2") print(" hurst-hist") print(" hurst-nvals") print(" sampen-tol") if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("please tell me which tests you want to run") print_options() elif sys.argv[1] == "lyapunov-logistic": plot_lyap() elif sys.argv[1] == "lyapunov-tent": plot_lyap("tent") elif sys.argv[1] == "profiling": profiling() elif sys.argv[1] == "hurst-weron2": n = 1000 if len(sys.argv) < 3 else int(sys.argv[2]) weron_2002_figure2(n) elif sys.argv[1] == "hurst-hist": plot_hurst_hist() elif sys.argv[1] == "hurst-nvals": hurst_compare_nvals(datasets.brown72) elif sys.argv[1] == "sampen-tol": sampen_default_tolerance() else: print("i do not know any test of that name") print_options()