Nolds examples ============== You can run some examples for the functions in nolds with the command ``python -m nolds.examples `` where ```` can be one of the following: * ``lyapunov-logistic`` shows a bifurcation plot of the logistic map and compares the true lyapunov exponent to the estimates obtained with ``lyap_e`` and ``lyap_r``. * ``lyapunov-tent`` shows the same plot as ``lyapunov-logistic``, but for the tent map. * ``profiling`` runs a profiling test with the package ``cProfile``. * ``hurst-weron2`` plots a reconstruction of figure 2 of the weron 2002 paper about the hurst exponent. * ``hurst-hist`` plots a histogram of hurst exponents obtained for random noise. * ``hurst-nvals`` creates a plot that compares the results of different choices for nvals for the function ``hurst_rs``. These tests are also available as functions inside the module ``nolds.examples``. Functions in ``nolds.examples`` ----------------------------- .. autofunction:: nolds.examples.plot_lyap .. autofunction:: nolds.examples.profiling .. autofunction:: nolds.examples.weron_2002_figure2 .. autofunction:: nolds.examples.plot_hurst_hist .. autofunction:: nolds.examples.hurst_compare_nvals